Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life runs in our veins

Wood Canvas 20*20- Acrylics and Ink

Life, like a maze
just like our veins
running, flowing, walking, blocked
absent, resting, rising and falling
Life continuously learning
until we realize
that society, rules and traditions
were just a waste of time
There's always time to start
living and beginning to believe

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Window

Paper 14*17- Watercolor Pencils, Pencils, & Ink

"On the other side, where the light grows... where your heart desires to be
oh so hard to let go, cause with the first step
all that light turns into darkness, challenges and wilderness.
If only when I was young, someone would have taught me to live and not to fear"

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

"The closer I try to get to understanding,
the further away I am "

The Eternal Fire

Canvas 29*32- Acrylics, Watercolor Pencils, & Oils Pastes

"Our Soul and Spirit, The Eternal Light "

The Mystery of Life

Canvas 20*20- Acrylics, Oil and Pastel Oil

"If happiness, joy and bliss would leave their scar,
pain wouldn't feel the same"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Absolute Truth

What is the meaning of ¨truth¨?
My truth might be different as yours
but that doesn´t mean you are right and I am wrong...

So how come some may speak of an ¨absolute truth¨
and funny enough.... am I inquiring that this might be not true?

What a complicated and obsured society we are living in.

The content is what matters

There is no shape
we are not the body but the essence inside
So much we loose by forgetting
so concerned about what we see, and what other see on us
trapped in our logic and mind
forgetting that the content matters more than the cointainer


As I grow,
I realized that some of us grow old
and others just tall.
We cried, we learn, we get lost so many times along the way
some roll, some crawl until we get to the point,
were we stand up and walk.
Sadly others stay were they fall.
As I grow,
I realized that some of us grow old,
and others just tall.

The World Today

Sometimes I fear, cause I perceive a world
that I can´t understand at all

Friday, September 12, 2008

Every Seven Years

Every seven years, every single cell in your body changes- renewed- same soul, same spirit but the core completely different. Constantly changing, mutating, and transcending.

Life is a masterpiece, the universe a mystery, and awakening love is the symphony.

I must be living in two different dimensions like the moon, a hidden side, and unknown for those who aren't alert enough to notice.

Nothing makes sense, some days more than others. There is always that breeze that whispers in my ears “you should be standing somewhere else, so hurry time is running out", but with small steps I will reach that point and catch up with time. Silence sometimes can be as louder as a scream of help or relief. Sometimes you can ran as fast as you can without getting to the place you want, with your demons crawling from your back hanging tight. The moon does not shine all the time, but you can find it in the most precious times, in times of darkness it will help you to see where you are standing.

Someday I will look back and say “I’ve lived fully, brilliantly, honestly, fully… every second of my life”, and I will have found my nest of insight in balance until my heart stops and my soul at last will be free from this trap…

Candle Light

There’s always a brighter light, that’s never still

Always moving, changing,
... dancing with the rhythm of life

Life- The Question

Life, infinite possibilities-

What would we be without our conscious?
Where would we be without our fears of rejection and failure?


Now that my voice is clear and my life straight
I shall try to keep untruths out from my thoughts

Now that I flow, I walk barefoot through this land
that sometimes can be so unkind
I shall look at the shining sun in times of wonder

Now that I walk towards the simplicity of my truth
I shall keep my heart aware and my soul true

I come from...

I come from so many stories and fantasies
but of those I won’t talk about, as they are my own

How many memories you saved in a treasure box?
Aromas that transport you right to those moments
Places that contain different tastes, depending on the recalled emotion

I come from so many stories and fantasies,
but those I won’t talk about, as they are my own...

The Eternal Light

There’s no deeper understanding than love

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Essence of Life

* Canvas 20x20- Acrylics, Oil pastels, and Solid Oil Paint

Sunday, July 20, 2008

As I Am Today

Is there a bigger force, bigger than us? I don’t know… I use to believe in so many things that I no longer see them being possible or real. But then, what’s real?

I use to pray, but then I stopped believing. There are no Gods living in the skies of heaven, it’s just us. So I began to pray to nature or to a cosmic force, but that didn’t worked, with time I realized that praying was not doing any good, so I started on to believe and I began to flow with life.

I don’t know if there is such a thing as past lives, or reincarnation. But I believe in love, in discovering yourself, and in the beauty of the universe… the universe within us. I believe in my peace of mind, as well as in harmony, realization and bliss. I believe in living your life fully, in the search of finding oneself, and awareness. I believe in letting yourself go, in facing your fears, in taking risks, and finally in following your heart; which most of the times your instincts and intuitions are right.

I believe in our true voice and the constant fight to be heard. I believe in so many things and at the time I know so little about life. So I appreciate moments, experiences and most of the times I become an observer and learn.

I don’t know if there are spirits watching over me, if they are I thank them. I don’t know if I will become an ocean when I die… or if I will transcend to another dimension. But I know, that every star that shines in the sky, dies and it takes a long time for us to realize that its light was long time ago dead.

Things never work out as we imagined, planed or desired. I want to believe that this is because what we desired wasn’t what we really needed. That experience is what we required to learn to become more complete.

Nobody can understand our experiences, since nobody feels the way one does. Everyone has different perceptions of a situation regarding to their own experiences. This is what makes us different and defines us.

Talents, ideas, expression… we always discover more and more. We are a whole ocean to be discovered. Making me think that maybe there is a higher talent that hasn’t yet been freed and you wonder if others will be conscious enough to hear you or will value it.

Appreciation is the word, how long it takes for a flower to grow? How the seed got there and germinated? How many nights it fought through frost, wind until it grew? How long until it bloomed? How long until you walked by and stopped to contemplate such beauty?

Friday, July 18, 2008


I wish I could fly
I wish I could break free
... but there is no where to land
there is no where to fly
and I am lost in this dream

I flew to close to the sun
and I fall straight to the ground
I wish I could fly high
I wish I could break free now
and instead I am falling down straight to the ground

My wings are broken
My faith shattered and yet not ready to give up
I was looking for a dream
when I should have been looking for me

I wish I could fly
I wish I could break free
but there is no where to land
so I will keep flying until the weather calms down
and I find my paradise

I will fly high
I will break free
I fly high
I will break free now
and you will see me shine

A Certainty

"Behind every emotion, you can always find love"

Our Soul Just Like Water

Water like me, like us
Water like my soul, shapeless
... our essence
taking form of a river, of an ocean, of my bathtub
Our body just the support
that eventually will perish
but the water in us, will linger in time
changing, flowing, and growing
Water like me, like us
Water like my soul, shapeless

Monday, June 30, 2008

Dancing To The Rythm of Life

* Canvas 20x24 - Acrylics, Acrylic ink, Oil pastels and pencil aquarelles

I'm not longer a bubble floating on the water
... I take part of the whole and flow with the wind
I found myself... and now I am the ocean, the sky, the earth

Liberation of Emotions

Trapped inside my body, can't get out
wish I had the sound of the waves, crashing and splashing
so I could run in and liberate myself from this emotion
that's blocking my blood and contracting my lungs

I want to shout, smile, laugh and cry
and somehow my heart has trapped me inside
leaving me without a sound

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pensamiento Mañanero

*canvas 30x30- acrylics and oil pastels

.... aYeR estaba enamorada de la vida, de mi vida
hoy enaMoRada de ti.... y siempre senti que el aMoR era como una clase de sue
ño pegajoso
donde te pregunTas cuando te levantaras...
y cuando al fin lo haces.... si lloraras o sonreiras

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

As the Crow Flies

* Canvas 12x12 ~ Acrylics and oil pastels.

“As hard as I tried to keep my feet on the ground, I couldn’t, I had to let go… I tied my leg down, but existence kept pulling me up, high. Oh so high! … everything seemed so small and fragile…

Some days, my fears brought me, as the crow flies, close to earth … but my heart kept floating, preventing me from falling straight to the ground

… Suddenly I realized I was surrounded by loving energy
my road was bright and clear; the wind was holding my hand and I was flowing with life”

*Thanks to every soul that brings light to my heart and to life for sending smiles and learning to my shore

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reaching our Inner-Self

* Canvas 2(12x12)- Acrylics, pencil and oil pastels

"As I grow to be more aware, my mind quieter and my heart true
… my voice becomes clearer"

* Crows -Canvas 12x12 (acrylics, pencils and oil pastels)

"...while our voice spreads its wings carrying immaculate words,
an incessant light grows revealing our inner-self."

The Inner Voice -Canvas 12x12 (acrylics, pencils and oil pastels)

Then, I disappear into an absolute silence and peace.
We reached our inner self, I am in bliss"

*Draft on paper 14x17- pencils

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Paradox

*canvas 12x12- acrylics

During our life we are trained in adopting certain ways
we grow up conditioned
so we grow stronger in self awareness or weaker
our self can be easier corrupted or not at all
and this two ends are created
We learn about:
right and wrong
pain and happiness
deceptions and honesty
morality and ethics
traditions and our cultures believes
prejudices and judgments
religion and our own believes

Now that I am turning 26
I can say something’s are just words
there is no action supporting the meaning
I can talk about deceive and honesty
I can talk about loyalty and love
I can talk about expectations and deceptions
I can talk about destiny and dreams
Now I can say that I stopped believing in certain things
creating my own ideals, thoughts and emotions
As I use to believe that when your hair started growing white
you would instantly become wiser
But I finally realize that what changes us
what makes us grow
what makes us understand more about ourselves and others
what makes us involved in our dreams and desires
what makes us passionate and courageous
what makes us patient and tolerant
are our experiences and what we chose to do with them,
followed by the way we face life and the way we live life.

Eternal Questioning

We stand together
We stand for the same reasons, we might walk differently
but every time we close our eyes and tears fall, we cry for the same answers
As we all know, sometimes the answers never come,
so slowly and painfully, we understand that we stand alone
as everyone else, we then float or flow.

Then an unexpected day the sun shines
and the look in our eyes is brighter than the full moon
every step is secure and honest.
Or one day the sun shuts forever and there is no way back
and we wonder what happened
how, why and when?

So we go back to the same eternal questions
Why are we here?
What are we supposed to live for?
Its everyone blind or just me?
When do the stars die and why?
What happens after death?
Is there a bigger energy that defines our destiny?
Why the leaves die in autumn?
Can you hear me?

We stand together
We stand together every single one of us
‘Cause at the end we face the same fears, the same desires, the same emotions
We face existence and the discovery of our meaning in life

The Fight of Discovering, Becoming and Being Oneself

The morning sun spread its wings
when just last night was thundering and trembling in fear
Happy ever after in my eyes
for the first time my true reflection I see
and even though I’ve no idea where this path might take me
My steps are hard and secure
My eyes are like a star lighted sky
Illuminated words I write and with a hopeful heart
I take my stand in life

* promised at dawn that I wouldn’t give up until I reach my place in life.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

El Mago

* El Mago- The Wizard (Canvas- 12x12) Acrylics, pastels, and watercolor pencils

Un día de primavera la semilla broto dándole vida
En un mundo extraño se puso a caminar
Los árboles danzaban y las luciérnagas alumbraban su paso
Camino hasta llegar a una orilla
El agua calmo las heridas de sus pies mientras sus ojos descubrían este nuevo mundo
Los pajaros lo rodeaban como un anillo, protegiendolo, pero el no temia
Cuando la brisa de verano se apresuro, trayendo nuevas semillas
donde el mago planto al borde del arroyo
y así siguió su camino dando vida a nuevos deseos, nuevas oportunidades e incertidumbres.


*On paper14x17- pencil and watercolor pencils

I stopped regretting, I stopped praying, and I stopped questioning about my path in life
Instead I started living and believing that soon my dreams will sow and bloom turning into a bindweed that will reach the sky, just by being true to myself; by following the light and moving forward with the wind
We all have the power of the water, the earth, the air and the fire
And those who can’t see it, must be blind

As long as I can bright somebody’s path as well as my own,
As long as I can warmth somebody's heart as well as my own,
As long as I can bring flowing emotions to life

I don’t need anything more
I‘m not afraid of infinite love and a life of vibrantly and incessantly expression
There must be those who can’t understand my language,
but I can sing for them if they want

We all have the power of the moon and the sun
As long as we discover who we are and become that person that is waiting to get freed
I stopped regretting, I stopped praying, and I stopped questioning about my path in life
Instead I started living and believing

A mis Hermanas

Sin consciencia, sin aun descubrir quien era
Tomaron mi mano y luchamos juntas por ser
Compartiendo cada caída, cada lágrima y cada risa
No son mi sangre pero son mis venas
Son mi balance, el aire y mi agua
Cada paso miro hacia su lado, para no perderlas de vista
y asegurarme que su rostro aun brilla y su corazón esta completo
Son mi cuerpo y alma, ya que hace tiempo viven en mí
Sus lagrimas son las mías
Sus éxitos son mi sonreír
Hermanas, mis mejores amigas, lo mas precioso de mi existir

*Le agradezco a la vida por tenerlas a mi lado desde el día en que abrí mis ojos y comencé a soñar. Me guiaron, me cargaron y me abrazaron... por eso gracias!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Patches Of Life

*On paper 14x17- pencil and watercolor pencils

The other day while contemplating the sun setting,witnessing brush strokes of mutating colours on the sky
… and the waves crushing into growing white silver foam.
The wind brought with him thoughts of hope and realization to where I stand today.
Realizing that I had sewed the solutions of past erroneous decisions to my skin
and now with those collected answers I walk with wishful eyes and a blooming heart.
In every step, life grows in my flowing veins.
In every experience life moulds me, reflecting who I am and who I had become,
Recoinciling, Resolving, and Evoluting in every patch of life.


I wish I could speak about love and life
but tonight the only words I have are
of "dis-understanding", of frustration, and of anger

How can we keep living this way?
Are we blind; are we dumb, or careless?
How someone with high ideals of change and love
can get so confused and loose his way and become a killer?
How poverty can turn someone into a slaughter?
How greed can makes us loose respect of other creatures?

I wish I could speak about love and life
but tonight the only words I have are
of "dis-understanding", of disappointment, and of irritation

Devastating nature
Animals constantly going extinct
Vegetation flattened
Science worried about developing false evolution, instead of worrying about basic natural resources and sustainability
Corrupted countries with enough resources to be wealthy,
that can’t grow in harmony and peace
People killing each other filled with rage in the name of a God.

I wish I could speak about love and life
but every thought, every word, and every feeling
is of an absolute “dis-understanding”
Not of life or nature
But the existence as a human being
Don’t we appreciate life and others?
Honestly I can’t understand who we are…

As humans
As a whole

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Spirit Of The Wind

(Canvas- Size 12 x12) Acrylics and pastels

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Like Nature

Time feels like sand in my hands
Love is like spring
the river is like my life
and the earth is who we are
growing towards the light

Monday, May 19, 2008

De Alli Vengo

Vengo de muchos deseos, muchos recuerdos, muchos cuentos
Llegando a esta historia que se interlaza entre fantasías y realidad

Algunas veces soy una guerrera
Guerrera de la luz
Que lucha por brillar tan fuerte como el sol, la luna y las estrellas
Una erupción de coraje y audacia

Otras veces soy una narradora
Y observo la historia de otros
Cuento sobre las tristezas y felicidad de la vida
Los errores y lo acertado

Algunas soy un fantasma
Invisible camino por las calles que están repletas de extraños
Camino buscando mi objetivo que me llevara a mi rendición

Otras soy una romántica, una filosofa, enamorada de la vida
Otras veces soy una mariposa que tan solo tienen un día de vida,
disfrutándolo hasta el final; viviendo el presente, cada segundo
Y al fin algunas veces llegue a ser como la tormenta, pasajera
Vibrante, eléctrica, húmeda, cortante y revitalizante

Vengo de muchos deseos, muchos recuerdos, muchos cuentos
Llegando a esta historia que se interlaza entre fantasías y realidad
Y así llegue a ser como soy
Un mundo, un universo
Donde existen ciertas cosas tangibles y otras abstractas
Ciertas emociones que están en la superficie y otras sumergidas
Constantes pensamientos a la deriva y otras en tierra
Como un océano que no deja de fluir, no deja de cambiar,
creciendo y bajando su nivel
congelándose y vibrante
Salvaje, oleado, calmo, desconocido, incógnito

Vengo de muchos deseos, muchos recuerdos, muchos cuentos, muchos momentos, muchos sentimientos, muchos pensamientos
De allí vengo…

A Full Day with Words

" El sol se pone lentamente sobre el inmenso mar
a lo lejos, un valle de montanias

remojandose en nubes rosadas
un camino a lo largo del agua iluminado hasta el horizonte.

Mientras remojo mis pies y los hundo en la humeda arena
absorviendo cada segundo de este hermoso atardecer"

Atardecer en Kitsilano Beach- Mayo 14


"Las personas no son las causantes de nuestros fantasmas
sino las emociones que estas dejaron clavadas en nuestro ser"

Caminando a Kitsilano beach- Mayo 14

Inhalo profundamente
absorviendo cada segundo de paz y belleza que me rodea

Camino y Camino.
Mi ambiente muta a cada paso, procando diferentes sensaciones
Sensaciones de paz, de angustia, de felicidad

Camino y Camino hasta darme cuenta que hay ciertos tiempos
en el que uno cambia estando en un mismo lugar, plantado como un arbol
otras cuando esta en un constante movimiento como las nubes
y existen otras veces
que uno debe moverse para llegar al nuevo cabio como una roca arrojada al agua"

Caminando hacia Kitsilano Beach- Mayo 14

"Hoy me preguntaba si la felicidad reside en el pasado
o es parte del presente, tan solo un instante
y es esa la causa de sentir que vive en el ayer "

Sentada mirando el sol caer... Kitsilano beach - Mayo 14

Now I Understand Why

I understand now
why I can’t get freed
How could I fly and reach the stars
If my feet are tight to this land
My hearts weight its so heavy
I wouldn’t be able to rise
My eyes seek for the moon every night
But my heart has restrains that can’t break through
Maybe now I know that I can’t be free
And that’s what brings me freedom.

Constante Lucha

Cada día deber ser una constante lucha
Una constante lucha hacia tu sueño
Difícil será mantener tu rumbo
pues cuando se habla de lucha
te olvidas de la razón de su comienzo
Llegara un momento en el que
querrás aun mas
y te sentirás avergonzado
pero aun así seguirás

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Close up: "Emotions Engraved in the Wind" ~ "Emociones Grabadas en el Viento"

The Face Behind the Wind ~ El Rostro Escondido Detras del Viento

Awakenings~ Despues de la lluvia, la Clama

Multitude and The Strength of the DragonFly ~ Multitud y La Fuerza de la Libelula

Multitude Close up ~Close up de Multitud

DragonFly ~Libelula

Emotions Engraved in the Wind ~ Emociones Grabadas en el Viento

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fetal Position


Woman- Tree

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Trapped inside my body, can't get out
wish I had the sound of the waves crashing and splashing
so I could ran in and liberate myself from this emotion
that's blocking my blood and contracting my lungs

The Sound of Silence

Its been a long time since the last time I saw the moon light
since the last time I saw the moon shine
it's hiding so I can't ask for anymore favors
The sky turned dark last night and I stepped out and rain fall down
Wishing that it would clean my heart but instead
I fall down to my knees, to the ground
and hurt my hands, they were bleeding
and the pain came right back
The moon was still hiding, laughing
Everything came back
the pain, sorrow, mistakes, regrets, memories
Everything back, everything except you

Eternal Questioning

We stand all together
We stand together in the same way
Every time we close our eyes we cry for the same answers
as we know no answers comes, so slowly we give up
or understand that we walk alone, that we stand alone
as everyone else
so then, we float or we flow

Then an unexpected day the sun shines
and the look in our eyes is brighter than the moon
every step is secure and honest
or one day the sun shuts forever and there is no way back
and we wonder what happened
who are we, where, and why

So we go back to the same eternal questions
Why are we here?
What are we supposed to live for?
Its everyone blind or just me?
When do the stars die and why?
What happens after death?
Is there a bigger energy that defines our destiny?
Can you hear me?

We stand together
We stand together in the same way
every single one of us
At the end we face the same fears, the same desires, the same emotions
We face existence and our meaning in life

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


As a child I never assimilate the intensity and immensity about the meaning of the word "forever". ... How could I? How could we?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Aching Heart

My heart is aching
I’m facing an infinite dust that’s covering my entire body
Time keeps ticking and I can’t keep up
I was left behind
My heart it’s anchored in the past unable to move forward
Crumbs of complaints and wonders corroding my judgment
Although my life is coloured with beautiful emotions
I heard that you might returned, so I stopped in time
Finally realizing that my heart lied twice now

Welcome to the 21st Century

And you wonder why we give up. It feels like its been winter for a long time and it seems the sun refuses to come out again. Dreams got frozen and were forgotten.
Now as a mechanism we work with no life or satisfaction. Slowly, we start loosing our voice, our music, our spirit until we loose everything that defines us as humans.
This is the society we have built all these years.


I am obscured by my absence of love and ashamed to lie so blindly


We are the only ones responsible about how our life was yesterday, is today, and will be tomorrow. that's our freedom.

Time and Reason

All this time trying to figure out
what we re suppose to do

Nobody ever told us what went wrong
Nobody ever told us what was going on
and what choices to make to have a better consequence

All this time trying to figure out
what we are supposed to do

Fighting against society that rules and conquers
molding us like bonsais, shaping our way of life
so we forget and follow the mass

All this time trying to figure out
what we re supposed to do

And we realized freedom is not against us
the only way to find it its by following our heart
there is no balance in black and white

All this time trying to figure out
what we re supposed to do
all this time the answer was in us

All this time trying to figure out
what we re supposed to do
nobody ever told me what went wrong
nobody ever told me what was going on
and I spent all night
trying to figure out what was going on
I did the best I could, the best I knew

All this time trying to figure out what we re supposed to do
nobody ever told us what went wrong
nobody ever told us
what was going on
and what choices to make to have a better consequence
a different consequence

Frozen Thoughts


I’ve been sitting for the last couple of days
Thinking… just thinking

Verse I:

I wish I knew how to begin
I wish I remembered that I wanted something else
I’ve lost my faith
I have no God
It’s just myself

Verse II:

I know I am a fool
I know everyone walks alone
I know crying out loud doesn’t solve anything at all when you’ve lost your voice
I know happiness and pain feels better when it’s shared


I’ve been sitting for the last couple of days
Thinking… just thinking

Verse III:

I know I wish too much
…too much to handle
So what to do when you are on your own and you have no one to run to
No one that will say that everything will be all right
What do you do?
That’s why


I’ve been sitting for the last couple of days
Thinking… just thinking

Verse IV:

I use to know what I wanted
I use to know what I need
I use to know before, better than I do now
I still know but it’s the fear that tomorrow will be worst than today


I’ve been sitting for the last couple of days
Thinking… just thinking
While thousands of kids are starving and living in misery
I was thinking, just thinking.

Verse V:

I wish I knew how to begin
I wish I remembered that I wanted something else
I wish I could paint every sky blue
I wish I could help me, so then I could help you
I wish somebody told me what to do next
I wish I have the courage to leave this road

Verse VI:

I know I am a fool
I know everyone walks alone
I know crying out loud doesn’t solve anything at all when you’ve lost your voice
I know happiness and pain feels better when it’s shared and sometimes when you have someone to blame.


I’ve been sitting for the last couple of days
Thinking… just thinking

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm Ready

I'm ready,
I'm ready now.
I'm ready,
I'm ready now.
So before night falls answer my call.

Since the las time I checked my palms
new roads have grown

So before night falls answer my call

Not too blind, not totally awake
I hope I can find again my trace
don't wanna miss this other chance again

I'm ready
I'm ready
I'm ready
I'm ready now
So before night falls please, please answer my call
I'm ready
I'm ready now

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Beautifully Insane

I don’t even know what I feel anymore. If I knew ...
I am afraid of falling in love? That might mean loosing my imaginary freedom. I feel ashamed to say that I don’t want to fall in love anymore. Is my heart capable of loving? Is my heart capable of not loving? What would it happen if I fall again... would I be lost forever or someone would come to my rescue? Would I know where to go?
I can’t understand how my heart can love everyone and dislike everyone at the same time. Is that even natural?

I don’t want to feel attached but at the same time I do. I want my independence but I want to be immersed in love. Is that possible...I want to dream and at the same time live in reality. How many times I wished that my reality would be like a dream, a fantasy.
You can say I am confused and crazy, and it would be all right. I don’t mind.
I want to disappear and still be seen, leave a trace that says that I was there.
That I am here.
Is that even possible?

Winter Snow

Everything is still
frozen emotions
covered by the white crystal snow
Not for long
the truth will be revealed soon
when the sun shines
and the snow melts
your emotions will bloom
like a field of flowers in spring.

Palabras Cruzadas (Spanish)

Parte I
Palabras, tan solo palabras
palabras cruzadas
caminos cruzados
esperanzas cruzadas
expectativas cruzadas
amor estrangulado

Parte II
el esperado

Parte III
tantas palabras que desearía ciertas o no ciertas
palabras cruzadas
palabras prohibidas
palabras dolidas
palabras mudas
lagrimas, dolor y penas
repuestas que no llegan
acciones que nunca llegaran

Silent Movie

Part I
No words to say
My emotions are stuck in my throat
I might puke later on
and speak them all

Part II
No sound
Water falling and crashing on the floor
Spreading out like blood
Covering all around
No sound
My body in commotion,
an unbearable pain
my legs, heavy
my chest, compressed
and no words
No sound
Your sourrounding is still and quiet
everything expect your heart

Frozen Movements

I have no words...
The clouds are sliding through the pick of the mountains
blue silhouettes on the horizon

The breeze blows
bringing a lost snowflake
and the sound of cracking glaciers

I have no words...
Let me hide, hibernate until my time comes
Can’t find the way
I think I might be lost
I might be insane too

All I ever did was dream
Did I create an illusion that I can no longer sustain?
Or I lived in an illusion and now
I want to get to my dream?

Oh. No more words...
I have roots growing from all these crying
and now stuck in this moment
Can’t go further on or back
What to do?

No words. I have no words...
I’ve created a river of tears and now they are frozen
Who said I was cold? I don’t
So what am I doing here?

If I move will this mean that my situation will change?
I don’t know

No more words...

Dejandolo Ir (Spanish)

El viento sopla y me escondo detrás
se ha llevado sentimientos y deseos
Olvidos que alguna vez quise guardar
pero hoy ya no deseo

Corriendo junto al viento me encontraras
a veces me abraza y me lleva junto a el
otras yo lo sigo

Hoy me detuve dejándolo ir
se ha llevado todo con el
pero me ha dejado mas pesada que nunca

Ahora mis pisadas se ven partidas
rayos de dolor atraviesan mi cuerpo
igual sigo, no se hacia donde

Algún lugar en donde no tenga que hablarle al aire,
para conversar con alguien
Donde no tenga que buscar a la luna cada noche, para sonreír
Donde no tenga que caminar por la orilla,
para escuchar el baile del viento y las olas
Para recordar que aun puedo sentir más que pesadas lagrimas

El viento se llevo todo pero siempre surge algo nuevo
y pronto habrá que elegir una vez mas

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Frozen Wind

A deep breath
inhaling your cold breeze
You were strongly blowing today
and I was feeling alive
incorporating my whole being
with existence
as one

Friday, January 11, 2008

One Dance

I became as light as the wind
as deep as an ocean
as strong as the waves
My soul flourished
revealing my whole being
and then, I disappeared

I Love you my Friend

I love you my friend
because you know my soul
that's hidden behind flesh and bone

I love you my friend
because even though we are miles apart
you embrace my heart every time

I love you my friend
because you understand my words
and respect who I am

I love you my friend
because you would be the only one
that would seek for shooting stars
and wish for both of us

I love you my friend
so many memories
we shared laughs and tears
your tears are my own

I love you my friend
because you understand my silence

I love you my friend
with no end and no beginning

* Piru Te Amo!

Feeling Life

We can’t leave our chains in life
because those are our attachments to life
Joy and Pain
and those, makes us feel alive


You kissed me anyways
knowing that you would sail
to a far away land.
What were you thinking?
All you left was a broken heart
and a thousand questions
with no answer.

Right when I felt
that my heart could love again
you took everything away
my joy, my love, my hope.

There was a time
when all I could feel
was hate
until I remembered
the bliss that you brought to my heart

Now I can't figure it out
which one hurts the most