Monday, May 31, 2010

Take My Hand

There are so many people ... so many people in this world
everyone facing different challenges
different realities
but there's one thing that its always the same:
our constant fight for freedom, for happiness, for survival, for peace.

So take my hand.... take the time
stand up for your dreams, your life, your rights- the time is NOW
cause we all seek for love and life
so take my hand and take the stand
to keep the earth as well as your life alive!!!

Even though we are all different
even though countries, languages, traditions, religions and distance might separate us
take my hand and take your neighbors hand
and make a stand
cause we are one
and all we want is love, freedom and a healthy life
for us, for our children, and for those yet to come

So when you wake up and feel down,
think of those that are going through a much harder time than you are
Don't give up and take your stand
changing your life is the beginning-
so hold my hand and hold your neighbors hand
cause we all stand together in the same land
all we need is love, awareness, and energy to come together as one
you-me, life on land.

When You Believe in Me

When you believe in me
my heart is at ease
cause when you believe in me
there are no worries,
no trouble,
no more sorrow
When you believe in me...

When you believe in me
today and tomorrow
feels like a forever after- filled with L's (Love, LOVE, Love
Laughs, laughs, Laughs
cause when you believe in me
my days are bright even though its raining out

When you believe in me my heart, my spirit is at ease
cause all I want is to be like a blooming flower everyday,
All I want is to be the brightest star every night,
and I can't sleep anymore at night...
cause all I dream is right here ...
were you are

So please don't ever stop believing in me

Oh Why Me!!!!!

Have you ever felt like a tree that holds its last leaf
.... and slowly, painfully it falls down
dying on the cold ground.
There you are, standing naked- defeated
your head spinning, your spirit broken and you cant stop wondering why
why Oh why me!!!!!!!

Have you ever felt like the most beautiful flower on a field
where your aroma emanates beauty to the four winds
Did you ever stop to ask, this time, why
why oh why me!!!!!!!!!!

Its so easy to ask why oh why me
when things are hard and dark
but its time to ask who you are
and if you are standing where you want to be in life
instead of blaming and wondering why oh why me
take control
take action
hold your life close to your heart always, close to your heart!

* cause we all loose our leaves from time to time- to nourish the ground around us... later on to bloom as the most beautiful flower.

Monday, May 10, 2010

... te vi partir

Te veo partir y contigo se va mi vida
me has dejado seca, sin nada porque luchar
tu- mi sol, mi alegria, mis dias
y ahora que te vas
no queda nada mas... que silencio, soledad, angustia y dolor

Te veo partir y contigo se va mi vida
un vacio enorme que vorazmente, ..... me carcome el alma
noches de llanto y dias de dolor- tengo- ............. desde que te vi partir
y una eternidad de questionameintos de porque te fuistes de mi lado hoy

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ojos de Piedra

Ojos de piedra
Ojos de niebla
Ojos quebrados hoy
Temo que mi tiempo se acabe sin darme cuenta
Temo que no lograre comprender
que no lograre descubrir el horizonte que lleva mi nombre
Ojos de piedra
Ojos de niebla
Ojos quebrados sufro hoy
Miedo de cerrarlos
ya que cuando lo hago
me veo con mi pelo al viento
y una suave brisa acariciandome
susurrandome que todo estara bien
bienvenida libertad grito a los cuatro vientos
sin ataduras
sin dolor
sin corrupcion
en paz
pero lejos estoy de aquel sentimiento hoy
ya que sufro ojos de piedra
ojos de niebla
ojos quebrados hoy
estoy atada
sin salida
como llegue hasta aqui, me pregunto
la rutina me trajo?
olvide el ritmo de mi andar?
y me deje llevar- a la deriva estoy?
ojos de piedra
ojos de niebla
ojos quebrados hoy

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Favorite Things in Life

Some of my favorite things in life are
the smell of fresh cut grass
or the smell of the wet soil after a big and long storm
My favorite things in life are simple like this ones

Some of my favorite things in life are
when the moon and the sun hang up high in the sky at the same time
or the colors of fall and the smell of spring
or the sound of waves crashing
or the smell of the sea
or the feeling of the wind blowing on my face
My favorite things in life are simple like this ones

Some of my favorite things in life are
the golden path that the moonlight creates over a calm ocean
or when thunder calls lightening to strike on the horizon
or watching how the day clears up and a rainbow brings a smile to my face
or when you rediscover beauty after a hard day
or the sound of the trees dancing along with the wind
or the sound of water flowing down a river
or the rhythm of leaves falling slowly to the ground like snowflakes
or the crunching sound of steps over dried leaves

My favorite things in life are simple like this ones
like when your whole body speaks with an embrace
like when I look into your eyes and no words are needed
like that wise and comforting word you were waiting for
or knowing that your sisters, your friends, your partner knows you so well~
sometimes better than you know yourself
or when you laugh with a friend until your stomach hurts
or that soft touch that breaks you and at the same time brings peace,
cause that's all you needed to get in touch with yourself
or knowing that sometimes time doesn't change anything
like friendships, like memories, and lessons learned

This are some of my favorite things in life
and I know that when darkness comes wildly into our lives we forget about them
and I know there are things in life I dislike
but they no matter because all of those are things in life
parts of that big puzzle called, our life that gives life to all those favorite things in life

Bienvenido Seas Tu

El sol se asomo a mi ventana
yo le sonrei y lo deje entrar
muy despacio el fue posandose en el bolsillo de mi alma
Bienvenido seas tu!yo te doy la bienvenida...
bienvenido sean los dias de sol!

El mal tiempo
ya quedo en el pasado, pero el muy picaro
se escondio en mi almuhada sin quererse ir
sacudi las sabanas fuertemente
y le dije que se vaya
mi almuhada es donde guardo mis suenios hoy
entonces te digo adios
adios a los dias oscuros que algun dia tuvo mi corazon
y bienvenidos sean los dias de sol