Monday, May 31, 2010

Take My Hand

There are so many people ... so many people in this world
everyone facing different challenges
different realities
but there's one thing that its always the same:
our constant fight for freedom, for happiness, for survival, for peace.

So take my hand.... take the time
stand up for your dreams, your life, your rights- the time is NOW
cause we all seek for love and life
so take my hand and take the stand
to keep the earth as well as your life alive!!!

Even though we are all different
even though countries, languages, traditions, religions and distance might separate us
take my hand and take your neighbors hand
and make a stand
cause we are one
and all we want is love, freedom and a healthy life
for us, for our children, and for those yet to come

So when you wake up and feel down,
think of those that are going through a much harder time than you are
Don't give up and take your stand
changing your life is the beginning-
so hold my hand and hold your neighbors hand
cause we all stand together in the same land
all we need is love, awareness, and energy to come together as one
you-me, life on land.

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