Friday, January 27, 2012


Words can have such an impact in our lives

Some… can be printed, sealed, tattooed into our hearts. Into our dreams.
Defining our future behaviour. Becoming prisoners of those words.
Words that can easily become part our belief system.

Some… can mean the world to us and some so little or nothing to another.
Some …diffuse into our skin, into our blood- transforming into a disease.
While some… cross over right to the unconscious leaving us confused, absent, and scared.

Some… like sWORDS- cold, sharp, and strong- remaining us about pain and brutality.
While others we hold on to them like treasure- feeding our ego. Feeding our spirit.

Some… we never speak of. They are strongly tied up to our throat, to our heart, and stomach- never letting them go. We can’t. How could we…? no choice, they stripped out our freedom. feeling painfully constipated for ever long- NEVER letting them go.

Some… live in the darkest parts of ourselves. In the shadows. unspoken.
While others … live in the brightest parts of ourselves. High in sky. In the eyes of everyone.
Some… elevate us, filling us with colors, hopes, and vitality.

… can have such a big impact in our lives. Weightless, meaningless… Weightful, meaningful
Impact in Our Minds, Our Spirit, and Our Body

Actions? What about them? Whatever happened to emotional action and expression?

Oh but words…

Wonderful and Magical, when the structure breaks
and we can see through... light starts shining - coming in- inside the dark parts
Words that once meant an ocean of tears, now they can't touch us anymore
What a Beautiful sight... just beautiful.Words.

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