Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Afternoon Insight

When you find yourself facing the "unknown" in the form of a question or a situation, this is when there's opportunity for growth and new knowledge

But this is also a time that instead of facing that question mark and finding the answer, discovering new meanings, and unveiling the unknown
... we tend to put ourselves down and loose faith, loose confidence, and become so scared that finally we give up. We give up on us

Some will spend our entire lives scared, believing that we're not good enough, not worthy, not talented, not smart, not capable.... without realizing that everyone lives every second of their lives in this same situation!

The difference is in what we choose to do with that question, with that challenge, with that opportunity that's presented to us

1 comment:

PAZ said...

Sometimes when we are facing the unknown it's nice to just get abstracted off worldly moments and embrace the mystery of what's soon to be, or never again will be. These moments are gifts.