Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mantra for 2013

I shall breath into presence/ especially during those times of uncomfort. I shall connect with my spirit/ that shines beneath the chaos of the self and the world around me/ where there's a deep silence and sense of peace murmured in the background. I shall respond not react to situations that trigger me/ as I won't condemned the messenger or myself. I shall connect with truthful love within/ be energy and vibrations within the forces of life/ rather than identifying to myself as a self described by a name, past experiences, future expectations, pains, accomplishments, and desires. I shall not move in life/ for the means to reach a goal to enhance my sense of self worth, but for inspiration, love, and life force. I shall let go of emotions that feed my ego and give me a sense of purpose, self-pity, or excuses/ I shall live in the moment consciously/ I shall be playful/ I shall surrender to love, life, and my spirit!

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