Saturday, March 15, 2008

Aching Heart

My heart is aching
I’m facing an infinite dust that’s covering my entire body
Time keeps ticking and I can’t keep up
I was left behind
My heart it’s anchored in the past unable to move forward
Crumbs of complaints and wonders corroding my judgment
Although my life is coloured with beautiful emotions
I heard that you might returned, so I stopped in time
Finally realizing that my heart lied twice now

1 comment:

Guadalupe Martinez said...

Gorda! que lindo este cuadro y esta poesia! me encantaron. Tb escuche tu cancion y la senti muy linda...

Segui buscandote y encontrando tu corazon a traves del arte...

No te ates a ideas... ni creencias que coarten tu libertad...

Te queiro muchoooooo