Sunday, February 10, 2008

Beautifully Insane

I don’t even know what I feel anymore. If I knew ...
I am afraid of falling in love? That might mean loosing my imaginary freedom. I feel ashamed to say that I don’t want to fall in love anymore. Is my heart capable of loving? Is my heart capable of not loving? What would it happen if I fall again... would I be lost forever or someone would come to my rescue? Would I know where to go?
I can’t understand how my heart can love everyone and dislike everyone at the same time. Is that even natural?

I don’t want to feel attached but at the same time I do. I want my independence but I want to be immersed in love. Is that possible...I want to dream and at the same time live in reality. How many times I wished that my reality would be like a dream, a fantasy.
You can say I am confused and crazy, and it would be all right. I don’t mind.
I want to disappear and still be seen, leave a trace that says that I was there.
That I am here.
Is that even possible?

1 comment:

Pepa Chan said...

hola chof jaja gracias x el mensajito!!! me gusto mucho "beautifully insane". te entiendo, yo a veces me he sentido asi. y tambien creo q si q podes lograr todo lo q te propongas y q en el fondo de tu corazon estan todas esas respuestas. love you