Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I always believed I would recognize you right from the start

Now that time went by

I doubt that time is gonna come

I don’t even know where you are

I don’t even know who you are

I always believed I was going to shine like a star

But now the moon is blue

And I am bleeding inside out

I always believed I would recognize you right from the start

As soon as I looked into your eyes

Now I realized the clouds don’t move

Unless the breeze blows them apart

Like the foam in my bath tub

Just like this water

A whole world inside and another out

I always believed I would shine like a star… in the blue sky

And I am sure I do

People too worried about everyday stuff

They can’t realize

I always believed I would recognize you right from the start

Now that time went by

I doubt that time will come

And I don’t why

I can’t figure it out

In your eyes I will realize soon who you are

As soon as the clouds clear apart

You will see who I am

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