* Canvas 20x24 - Acrylics, Acrylic ink, Oil pastels and pencil aquarelles
I'm not longer a bubble floating on the water
... I take part of the whole and flow with the wind
I found myself... and now I am the ocean, the sky, the earth
Trapped inside my body, can't get out
wish I had the sound of the waves, crashing and splashing
so I could run in and liberate myself from this emotion
that's blocking my blood and contracting my lungs
I want to shout, smile, laugh and cry
and somehow my heart has trapped me inside
leaving me without a sound
“As hard as I tried to keep my feet on the ground, I couldn’t, I had to let go…
Some days, my fears brought me, as the crow flies, close to earth … but my heart kept floating, preventing me from falling straight to the ground
my road was bright and clear; the wind was holding my hand and I was flowing with life”
*Thanks to every soul that brings light to my heart and to life for sending smiles and learning to my shore
"As I grow to be more aware, my mind quieter and my heart true
… my voice becomes clearer"
* Crows -Canvas 12x12 (acrylics, pencils and oil pastels)
"...while our voice spreads its wings carrying immaculate words,
an incessant light grows revealing our inner-self."
During our life we are trained in adopting certain ways
we grow up conditioned
so we grow stronger in self awareness or weaker
our self can be easier corrupted or not at all
and this two ends are created
We learn about:
right and wrong
pain and happiness
deceptions and honesty
morality and ethics
traditions and our cultures believes
prejudices and judgments
religion and our own believes
Now that I am turning 26
I can say something’s are just words
there is no action supporting the meaning
I can talk about deceive and honesty
I can talk about loyalty and love
I can talk about expectations and deceptions
I can talk about destiny and dreams
Now I can say that I stopped believing in certain things
creating my own ideals, thoughts and emotions
As I use to believe that when your hair started growing white
you would instantly become wiser
But I finally realize that what changes us
what makes us grow
what makes us understand more about ourselves and others
what makes us involved in our dreams and desires
what makes us passionate and courageous
what makes us patient and tolerant
are our experiences and what we chose to do with them,
followed by the way we face life and the way we live life.
We stand together
We stand for the same reasons, we might walk differently
but every time we close our eyes and tears fall, we cry for the same answers
As we all know, sometimes the answers never come,
so slowly and painfully, we understand that we stand alone
as everyone else, we then float or flow.
Then an unexpected day the sun shines
and the look in our eyes is brighter than the full moon
every step is secure and honest.
Or one day the sun shuts forever and there is no way back
and we wonder what happened
how, why and when?
So we go back to the same eternal questions
Why are we here?
What are we supposed to live for?
Its everyone blind or just me?
When do the stars die and why?
What happens after death?
Is there a bigger energy that defines our destiny?
Why the leaves die in autumn?
Can you hear me?
We stand together
We stand together every single one of us
‘Cause at the end we face the same fears, the same desires, the same emotions
We face existence and the discovery of our meaning in life
The morning sun spread its wings
when just last night was thundering and trembling in fear
Happy ever after in my eyes
for the first time my true reflection I see
and even though I’ve no idea where this path might take me
My steps are hard and secure
My eyes are like a star lighted sky
Illuminated words I write and with a hopeful heart
I take my stand in life
* El Mago- The Wizard (Canvas- 12x12) Acrylics, pastels, and watercolor pencils
Un día de primavera la semilla broto dándole vida
En un mundo extraño se puso a caminar
Los árboles danzaban y las luciérnagas alumbraban su paso
Camino hasta llegar a una orilla
El agua calmo las heridas de sus pies mientras sus ojos descubrían este nuevo mundo
Los pajaros lo rodeaban como un anillo, protegiendolo, pero el no temia
Cuando la brisa de verano se apresuro, trayendo nuevas semillas
donde el mago planto al borde del arroyo
y así siguió su camino dando vida a nuevos deseos, nuevas oportunidades e incertidumbres.
*On paper14x17- pencil and watercolor pencils
I stopped regretting, I stopped praying, and I stopped questioning about my path in life
Instead I started living and believing that soon my dreams will sow and bloom turning into a bindweed that will reach the sky, just by being true to myself; by following the light and moving forward with the wind
We all have the power of the water, the earth, the air and the fire
And those who can’t see it, must be blind
As long as I can bring flowing emotions to life
I don’t need anything more
I‘m not afraid of infinite love and a life of vibrantly and incessantly expression
There must be those who can’t understand my language,
but I can sing for them if they want
We all have the power of the moon and the sun
As long as we discover who we are and become that person that is waiting to get freed
I stopped regretting, I stopped praying, and I stopped questioning about my path in life
Instead I started living and believing
Sin consciencia, sin aun descubrir quien era
Tomaron mi mano y luchamos juntas por ser
Compartiendo cada caída, cada lágrima y cada risa
No son mi sangre pero son mis venas
Son mi balance, el aire y mi agua
Cada paso miro hacia su lado, para no perderlas de vista
y asegurarme que su rostro aun brilla y su corazón esta completo
Son mi cuerpo y alma, ya que hace tiempo viven en mí
Sus lagrimas son las mías
Sus éxitos son mi sonreír
Hermanas, mis mejores amigas, lo mas precioso de mi existir
I wish I could speak about love and life
but tonight the only words I have are
of "dis-understanding", of frustration, and of anger
How can we keep living this way?
Are we blind; are we dumb, or careless?
How someone with high ideals of change and love
can get so confused and loose his way and become a killer?
How poverty can turn someone into a slaughter?
How greed can makes us loose respect of other creatures?
I wish I could speak about love and life
but tonight the only words I have are
of "dis-understanding", of disappointment, and of irritation
Animals constantly going extinct
Vegetation flattened
Science worried about developing false evolution, instead of worrying about basic natural resources and sustainability
Corrupted countries with enough resources to be wealthy,
that can’t grow in harmony and peace
People killing each other filled with rage in the name of a God.
but every thought, every word, and every feeling
is of an absolute “dis-understanding”
Not of life or nature
But the existence as a human being
Don’t we appreciate life and others?
Honestly I can’t understand who we are…
As humans
As a whole