We stand all together
We stand together in the same way
Every time we close our eyes we cry for the same answers
as we know no answers comes, so slowly we give up
or understand that we walk alone, that we stand alone
as everyone else
so then, we float or we flow
Then an unexpected day the sun shines
and the look in our eyes is brighter than the moon
every step is secure and honest
or one day the sun shuts forever and there is no way back
and we wonder what happened
who are we, where, and why
So we go back to the same eternal questions
Why are we here?
What are we supposed to live for?
Its everyone blind or just me?
When do the stars die and why?
What happens after death?
Is there a bigger energy that defines our destiny?
Can you hear me?
We stand together
We stand together in the same way
every single one of us
At the end we face the same fears, the same desires, the same emotions
We face existence and our meaning in life